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David-Ross Williamson (agent/attorney)

Will MLS get more English Premier League players given the impact of Brexit?

"Brexit" (the Exit of Britan from the European Union)...MLS could possibly enter the race to become the number one football (ha ha- soccer) league in the world if a fallout of money and players leave the UK to seek new contracts!! Everyone is talking about this possibility. But would the English powers to be (tax authorities, insurance companies, television giants, politicians and local business leaders—oh the list goes on…!!) really allow this to happen? Can you imagine how many studs would look to come to play in MLS!! With the expansion of DP’s (Designated Player) in MLS, increased attendance at all 22 venues (bypassing average attendance of NHL and NBA), and television viewership jumping through the clouds, it’s almost a no brainer!!! WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE COME TO MLS VIA THE BREXIT???

Read following for analysis :

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